USYD - Bull God of Genitalia, Midnight Bull Attack

Australian Bull God Brother Hunted for Multiple Women, Harassment Behavior Exposed Multiple Women to Danger

This article was last updated on 2023-05-15, the content may be out of date.

Source file address: 悉尼牛子战神传.pdf

This article has been re-designed to suit mobile devices and to be more universal.

I laughed
I couldn’t help but laugh. This is too funny.


Midnight Bull Attack

Eye protection warning! Eye protection warning! Eye protection warning!

If you are under 26 years old, please watch with your parents.


At 12:51 AM China time, the victim of the bull’s genitalia was drinking at B*K when suddenly their phone was attacked by the bull.

Chat record
Chat record 2

The Bull God of Sydney is also the Sea Dog God

The Bull God of Sydney has licked six different girls and wants to go to Japan and Omks with all of them. He keeps talking to himself and harassing them, asking for private photos and calling them his wife and baby. He has been trying to take girls to Japan since 2021 and is still trying to do so. The chat records are as follows:

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Victim C

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Victim D

Victim D, and the male lead stole her pictures and posted them on WeChat Moment to show off, but was caught.

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The girl ignored him the entire time, and he kept talking to himself on Instagram.

The Mystery of Niu Zige’s Identity

He told a girl, E, that he was born in 1995, a senior, and told an ABC girl that he was born in 1996 and went to USYD. He also told his friends that he went to UNSW.

He changed his major from IT to criminal psychology-finance-management, and has almost completed all the majors at the University of Sydney.

Niu Zige claimed that he stayed in Los Angeles in 2021, but he told other girls that he lived in a popular community in Sydney in 2021, and told the victim that he lived in CP? You really understand Naruto.

He told the boys in the group that he has assets in the United States and wants to cooperate.

He attempted to ask the boys in the group to invite him to join the Sydney Rich Second Generation group.

Appendix: Niu Zige sent pictures of his sports car and one million dollar watch to girls, but we won’t post them here.


James, what do you think?

I’m laughing so hard, unlike the usual unpleasant endings, this one is just hilarious.

GPT, evaluate Niu Zige.
